ACM Thirteenth Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)
CIKM and Workshops 2004
Sponsorship Opportunities
Call for Sponsorship

The 13th International Conference of the Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) is the premier conference on information retrieval. This conference is the only conference whose primary purpose is to foster collaberation between the information retrieval, database, and knowledge management communities.

The conference started in 1992 and has steadily grown to be widely accepted as a key forum to present new findings in information retrieval, database systems, data mining, and knowledge management. Attendees hear about very recent research results and are able to speak directly with their developers. Typically about 300 people attend the conference from academia, industry, and government. Numerous graduate students attend CIKM to present their papers and to learn more about the field. A best student paper is awarded as well.

Sponsorship Opportunities

CIKM offers a variety of sponsorship opportunities suitable for small as well as large organizations. Sponsors of CIKM will gain visibility for their companies, demonstrate their support of critical information retrieval related research and development, and contribute to the success of the conference.

Potential sponsors should send an e-mail to Jimi Shanahan at with the potential sponsor's contact information including person to contact, telephone number, return e-mail address, level of sponsorship desired, and any other questions.

Sponsorship Levels

Three levels of sponsorship are available depending on the US dollar amount of the contribution:

Gold $5,000 - $10,000

Silver $2,500 - $5,000

Bronze $1,000 - $2,000

in-kind sponsorships that directly defray the costs of the conference are also welcome, (for example, sponsorship for a student travel scholarship, coffee break, reception, or banquet).

Sponsorship Benefits

A SIGIR sponsor at any level will be listed in the conference Program Guide, and on the conference Web site, with an active link to the sponsor's company Home Page. Depending on the level of sponsorship, a sponsor will receive the following additional benefits:

Gold Sponsor

  • Company logo on the inside front cover of on-side collateral materials e.g.; Program Guide, Pocket Program, Attendee List, etc.)
  • Six complimentary conference registrations
  • Logo on Conference Bag
  • CD ROM insert in Conference Bag

Silver Sponsor

  • Company logo and write-up (50 words) in the Program Guide
  • Four complimentary conference registrations
  • Logo on Conference Bag

Bronze Sponsor

  • Company logo and write-up (25 words) in the Program Guide
  • Two complimentary conference registrations