ACM Thirteenth Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)
CIKM and Workshops 2004
Student Travel Awards
Student Travel Awards

We are happy to announce that CIKM 2004 will be offering a limited number of student travel awards for student authors. The purpose of the program is to encourage student participation at the conference by partially or fully funding the travel costs of students who would otherwise be unable to attend the conference. This program is made possible by our corporate sponsors. Each award will be limited to $500.

How to apply:

Applications for a student travel award should be emailed to James G. Shanahan,, as soon as possible, and no later than October 14, 2004. Please use "CIKM 2004 Student Travel Award Application" in the subject area of your email application.

Applications must include:

  1. Student name
  2. Student email address
  3. Name of accredited undergraduate or graduate program
  4. Address of student affiliation
  5. Student status (Undergraduate/MSc/PhD)
  6. CIKM 2004 Paper number
  7. CIKM 2004 Paper title
  8. Are you first author for this paper?
  9. Will you be attending CIKM 2004 (receipt of student award is contingent upon CIKM 2004 attendance in person)?
  10. A short resume or CV
  11. Student advisor's name
  12. Student advisor's affiliation
  13. Student advisor's email

Student travel award committee:
James G. Shanahan
Clairvoyance Corporation
David Grossman
Illinois Institute of Technology

Student travel award timetable:
October 14, 2004 Applications required
October 22, 2004 Results of Student Travel Awards
November 8-13, 2004 Awards will be given out during the CIKM 2004 conference