ACM Thirteenth Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)
CIKM and Workshops 2004
Call for Papers
Call for Papers

November 8-13, 2004
Hyatt Arlington Hotel
Washington D.C., U.S.A.

Sponsored by

With Generous Support From

White Oak Technologies, Inc.,
Microsoft Research,
Clairvoyance Corporation,
IBM Research,

Since 1992, CIKM has successfully brought together leading researchers and developers from the database, information retrieval, and knowledge management communities. We continue this tradition of collaboration among multiple areas, and encourage submissions of high quality papers on all topics in the general areas of databases, information retrieval, and knowledge management. Papers that bridge across these areas are of special interest, and will be considered for a "Best Interdisciplinary Paper" award.

Topics of Interest

The topics of interest in CIKM 2004 include but are certainly not limited to:

  • Integration of textual and relational data
  • Management of stream data
  • Peer-to-peer search systems
  • Relational database technology
  • Data warehouses, OLAP, and data mining
  • Data privacy and security
  • Web and distributed information retrieval
  • Cross-language and multi-lingual information retrieval
  • Text classification and clustering
  • Personalized information management
  • Information filtering and recommender systems
  • Management of hypertext and multimedia data
  • Information visualization and interactive data exploration
  • Metadata generation
  • Knowledge and information extraction
  • Document summarization
  • Distributed and heterogeneous information management
  • Intelligent mediators
  • Management of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data
  • Digital libraries
  • Knowledge management in bioinformatics, sensor networks, and mobile- and wearable-computing applications

Research Paper Submissions

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, in PDF format and formatted using the camera-ready templates available at Papers cannot exceed 10 pages in length. The electronic submission Web site for research papers is available at One author per paper is required to register and attend the conference to present the paper if accepted for publication.

"Best Interdisciplinary Paper" Award

A "Best Interdisciplinary Paper" award will be given to the best paper that bridges at least two of the general areas of interest to the conference, namely databases, information retrieval, and knowledge management.

Special Issue of KAIS Journal

Expanded versions of a selection of accepted papers will be considered for possible inclusion in a special issue of the Knowledge and Information Systems (KAIS) Journal, published by Springer-Verlag.

Industry Track Submissions

Authors are invited to submit presentations of commercial and industrial applications that reflect solutions to problems in all the areas of information and knowledge management embraced by the conference. Emphasis should be placed on the technical details of the implementations and problems addressed by the applications and on the lessons learned. We are especially interested in applications that have combined perspectives or required solutions in more than one problem area.

Beyond descriptions of actual applications, we also solicit presentations that identify new research issues arising from the use of information- and knowledge-management technology in practical (commercial) settings, as well as discussion of market trends.

We expect to judge papers/proposals for suitability as full presentations, posters, and demonstrations, including any combination of these alternatives, so please indicate a primary preference (including combination) and whether a demo is available.

Industry track submissions should be sent by email to and should include:

  • a 2-page extended abstract describing your proposed presentation, or
  • a full paper, which cannot exceed 10 pages in length.

In either case, your submission should be a PDF, PostScript, or Word file formatted using the camera-ready templates available at In addition, please include with your abstract or paper at least a few slides (as a PowerPoint, PDF, PostScript, or HTML file) that illustrate aspects of the system, architecture, or problem that the application addresses. Accepted abstracts and papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Tutorial Submissions

CIKM 2004 solicits proposals for three-hour tutorials of relevance to databases, information retrieval, and knowledge management. Tutorial proposals must be submitted by email to the Tutorial Chair, Ian Soboroff, at Proposals must include the tutorial title, objective, contents, intended audience, prerequisites, and name and biography of the instructors. Proposals should also indicate whether the tutorial has been given before, at an earlier CIKM or elsewhere.

Important Dates

Research papers due May 25, 2004, 2:00pm PDT
Industry track submissions due May 25, 2004
Tutorial submissions due May 25, 2004
Notification of acceptance August 10, 2004
Camera-ready version of accepted submissions due (instructions) September 8, 2004

Organizing Committee

  • General Chair: David Grossman, Illinois Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
  • Program Chair, Databases: Luis Gravano, Columbia University, U.S.A.
  • Program Chair, Information Retrieval: ChengXiang Zhai, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
  • Program Chair, Knowledge Management: Otthein Herzog, University of Bremen, Germany
  • Program Chair, Industry Track: David A. Evans, Clairvoyance Corporation, U.S.A.
  • Tutorial Chair: Ian Soboroff, National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S.A.
  • Workshops Chair: Shlomo Argamon, Illinois Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
  • Treasurer: Eun-Kyo Park, University of Missouri at Kansas City, U.S.A.
  • Corporate Sponsorship Chair: Jimi Shanahan, Clairvoyance Corporation, U.S.A.
  • Local Arrangements Chair: Abdur Chowdhury, America Online, U.S.A.
  • Proceedings Chair: Marc Ronthaler, University of Bremen, Germany