ACM Thirteenth Conference on
Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)
CIKM and Workshops 2004
Keynote Address

The Semantic Web: Managing Knowledge for Planet Earth

Pat Hayes
Senior Research Scientist
Institute for Human and Machine Cognition


The Semantic Web (SWeb) is a vision - actually, a number of visions - which is beginning to show some signs of potential reality. The core of the vision is a synergy between machine-accessible knowledge and the global reach of the Web. The deployment of knowledge technologies on a planet-wide open network brings new challenges and opportunities, many of them not yet fully realized. This talk briefly surveys the current state of play in SWeb standards and technology, including some of the rather heated controversies, and tries to give a high-level view of some of these challenges and opportunities. Some traditional hard problems in KM may largely evaporate; but new ones will take their place.


Pat Hayes received a BA in mathematics from Cambridge University and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from Edinburgh. He has held academic positions in computer science at the University of Essex (England), in philosophy at the University of Illinois and as the Luce Professor of cognitive science at the University of Rochester. He has been a visiting scholar at Universite de Geneve and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Studies at Stanford, and has directed applied AI research at Xerox-PARC, SRI and Schlumberger, Inc.. At various times, Pat has been secretary of AISB, chairman and trustee of IJCAI, associate editor of Artificial Intelligence, a governor of the Cognitive Science Society and president of AAAI.

Pat's current research interests include knowledge representation and automatic reasoning, especially the representation of space and time; the semantic web; ontology design; and the philosophical foundations of AI and computer science. He also restores antique mechanical clocks, remodels old houses, draws portraits and enjoys arguing with anyone about almost anything. Pat is a charter Fellow of AAAI and of the Cognitive Science Society, and has professional competence in domestic plumbing, carpentry and electrical work.