# This is a sample ODD configuration file # ConnectionPool's config defines how to connect to the database CONNPOOLCFG=/usr/local/share/records/aire/iitir-papers/ConnectionPool.cfg # This is the table that submitted documents go to before # they are inserted into the documents table. SUBMISSIONTABLE=paper_archive # This is the document table itself. It must include a DOCID # column that is a uniquely identifying integer for each document DOCUMENTTABLE=paper_archive # This is the directory that will hold any files associated with the documents DOCFILEDIR=/usr/local/apache/htdocs/publications/downloads # This is the web path to the docfiles directory. # Note that filenames should be able to be simply appended to this, # so it needs the trailing slash. DOCFILEURL=/publications/downloads # This is a list of fields which should be indexed as an AIRE type other than WORD. # It takes the form FIELDTYPE=FIELD1-Type,FIELD2-Type,...,FIELDN-Type FIELDTYPE=author-Author,title-Title,publication-Publication,category-Category,year-Year,abstract-Abstract # This is a list of fields that should not be added to AIRE's inverted index. # It is comma-separated NOINDEX=DOCID,file_name,Submission_Date # This is the filetype that AIRE will use when it indexes each document. # It is of the form 'odd-FILETYPE' FILETYPE=odd-Text